Good Bye Letters

Good Bye Letters 
Good bye my friends Drugs & alcohol to I write the time has come to see the light I wanna learn to do a course So, I write this letter with no remorse I will no longer lie or no longer cheat for my addiction will be beat I am now out of that dark hole and it is time for me to succeed my goal I will delete your dealers from my phone and will no longer be on my own All them times it was just you & me I will meet new people and will be free If we stay together we will commit crime but we both know it’s a waste of time Its gets to the point where I can’t stop them I’m backwards & forwards down the shop it might do us for the night But I can’t go on with this fight I know that you don’t give a heap But I’m over tried from loss of sleep all those years at each other’s side you took me for a fucking ride there will be times where I will think but I’ll be strong and they will sink so go and find another mug as I am no longer your stinking rug now I have said how I feel this time my friends it is far real so goodbye for ever you fucking nag I’m in a rehab I’ve packed my bag!
Good bye Goodbye to all the badness that I have carried for a long time, all you have done is hold me back and ruined my life, we first met when I was young and I have been faithful to you but you have been nothing but a nasty hinderance to me. I will not miss all the pain and embarrassment you have caused and all the money that I’ve spent on you I have written off. I never want to hear your name or sell your aroma ever again, it’s time for you to go and I truly mean it when I say good bye forever, there is no place in my life for you any more Peter

Dear drugs, I’m splitting up with you, me and you have been together for a long time, I know you have been there for me through all my up’s and down’s in my life but I can’t be with you anymore. You caused me more drama than good. You’ve made my life self-destructible, when I thought you was the answer to my pain, and even the answer to my happiness. I’ve tried leaving you before but now I’m leaving you for good. I’m a better person without you, even though you fooled me into thinking I was better with you. I’m not hiding behind a mask any more, I’m taking it off, I wanna be the real me now and live my life
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